Crystal-Springs-&-NF-Coppei-CreekNorthwest Cultural Resources Services has a demonstrated history of success in providing consultation and technical services.  In a multitude of projects performed over 30+ years, we have:

  • Conducted cultural resources surveys and archival research
  • Managed historical architectural resources field investigations
  • Inventoried and evaluated historical resources for National Register eligibility
  • Documented historic buildings, structures and landscape features in the National Register
  • Conducted preservation planning
  • Provided photographic documentation of historic properties
  • Prepared HABS/HAER documentation
  • Conducted Section 106 compliance activities and environmental assessments
  • Authored Section 106 technical reports
  • Contributed to cultural resource sections of EIS documents
  • Compiled local histories
  • Prepared programmatic agreements and memorandum of agreements for the mitigation of historic properties
  • Coordinated interagency consultation

Our support has helped clients achieve goals related to cultural resources mitigation; National Register of Historic Places (National Register) evaluations; and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) support and documentation.  Significant projects have included:

Senior Architectural Historian – Ross-John Day Fiber Optic Replacement Cultural Survey, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Portland, Oregon

Under a contract with BPA and Cardno ENTRIX, Mr. Harvey conducted a survey and documentation of the built environment within nine representative sections of the John Day-Big Eddy No. 2 500 kV line, and four representative sections of the Big Eddy-Spring Creek No. 1 230 kV Line near The Dalles Dam. He photographed various types/configurations of steel towers and recorded project corridor modifications.

Project Manager, Senior Architectural Historian – Hanford Natural Gas Pipeline Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) at the DOE Hanford Site, Richland, Washington

Mr. Harvey is currently managing the architectural and archaeological documentation and impact analysis of the proposed 29-mile natural gas pipeline to deliver natural gas to the Waste Treatment Plant at the Hanford Site, for JAD Environmental, LLC, and the DOE. He is assisting the DOE in tribal and agency consultation and public involvement activities and is responsible for preparing the cultural resources sections of the DEIS and FEIS.

Project Manager, Senior Architectural Historian – Update of the Historic Buildings/Structures Survey for the Idaho Transportation Department‘s (ITD) Proposed US 95 Thorn Creek Road to Moscow, Stage 1 Project, Latah County, Idaho

Mr. Harvey managed the historical documentation and assessment of the built environment within proposed seven-eight mile road alignment corridors of US 95 south of Moscow, ID. The inventory was an update of the 2004-05 historical resources survey of the same road alignments.

Senior Architectural Historian, Project Scientist – Enloe Dam Relicensing Project, Okanogan County Public Utility District (PUD), Washington

For Cardno ENTRIX, Mr. Harvey was a senior reviewer of the Cultural Resources Section 106 Technical Report, DAHP Historic Property Inventory forms, and historic property management plan for FERC compliance. He conducted NRHP assessment of the identified archaeological and historical resources.

Cultural Resources Deputy Project Manager, Senior Architectural Historian – North Steens 230-KV Transmission Line Project, Eastern Oregon

Mr. Harvey served as deputy project manager for Cardno ENTRIX for this project. He directed the architectural historical resources survey, and preparation of the Section 106 technical report, cultural resource sections of the EIS, the Programmatic Agreement, and Section 106 tribal and agency consultation meetings.

Project Manager, Senior Architectural Historian – Washington State University (WSU) Nuclear Research Reactor Building, Cultural Resources Section 106 Technical Report, Pullman, Washington

Under contract with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Mr. Harvey assisted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the environmental review for WSU’s license renewal application to the NRC. He conducted a historic property inventory documentation, determination of NRHP eligibility, assessment of project impacts, and prepared a Section 106 cultural resources technical report.

Deputy Project Manager, Architectural Historian — Lower Crystal Springs Dam Bridge Replacement Project, Hillsborough, San Mateo County, California

For Cardno ENTRIX, Mr. Harvey served as Deputy Project Manager and co-authored the Historic Resources Evaluation Report, Historic Property Survey Report, and Finding of Effect Report for this FHWA/Caltrans Local Assistance Project and bridge replacement. Finally, he developed mitigation strategies for minimizing project impacts to the historic dam.

Senior Architectural Historian, Cardno ENTRIX, Project Scientist – Sunstone Pipeline Project, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon

Mr. Harvey managed the historical architectural resources field investigations, recording architectural resources within the Project Right-of-Way corridor for a 200-mile-long segment of the proposed natural gas pipeline in northeast Oregon.

Senior Architectural Historian/Historian – Sacajawea State Park Confluence Project, Franklin County, Washington for Cascadia Archaeology, Seattle, and Washington State Parks & Recreation, Olympia, Washington

Mr. Harvey documented the historic buildings, structures and landscape features in the National Register district at Sacajawea State Park for the Washington State Parks & Recreation. The field investigation assisted in the determination of the effects the Confluence Project’s Story Circle project would have on the National Register district.

Senior Architectural Historian/Historian – DOE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, California

Mr. Harvey provided cultural resources services and preservation planning strategies for the DOE’s LBNL. He identified, inventoried and evaluated ~ 245 buildings and structures for NRHP listing eligibility, assisted the DOE in meeting NHPA Sections 106 and 110 compliance, and completed HAER documentation of the NRHP-eligible SuperHilac facility in Building 71.

Project Manager and Senior Architectural Historian/Historian – Fluor Hanford, Inc. and Washington Closure Hanford, Department of Energy (DOE), Hanford Site, Richland, Washington

Mr. Harvey managed a cultural resources reports review and directed a survey/inventory of a test archaeological site area. He managed the preparation of review reports and prepared a historic property inventory form for the Hanford Site’s Plutonium Storage Vault.

Senior Architectural Historian/Historian – Cultural Resources Evaluation of Tumwater Canyon, Washington State DOT, Leavenworth, Washington

Mr. Harvey researched the history of the WSDOT canyon road improvement project. He prepared a technical memo with an historical context and documentation of the areas prehistoric and railroad, hydroelectric, and highway resources.

Senior Research Scientist/Architectural Historian/Historic Preservation Specialist/Historian — Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington (1993 – 2005)

Mr. Harvey advised and assisted DOE with cultural resources for NHPA Sections 106 and 110 compliance at Hanford, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and LBNL. He was responsible for the inventory, evaluation, and protection of historic buildings and structures at DOE facilities. He developed a PA for management of the built environment at Hanford. Mr. Harvey also conducted NEPA assessments, authored cultural resources and land use sections of the Hanford Site Solid Waste EIS and draft Fast Flux Test Facility Decommissioning EIS, and he evaluated Manhattan Project Cold War era historical resources for NRHP eligibility. He prepared HABS/HAER documentations, Section 106 technical reports, and historical contexts and publications.

Architectural Historian/Historic Preservation Consultant/Principal — Multiple Projects for Northwest Preservation Resources, Seattle, Washington (1982 – 1993)

From 1982-1993, Mr. Harvey served as the project supervisor/principal investigator of cultural resource management/historic preservation activities for federal, state, and local government agencies and architectural – engineering firms. His activities included conducting cultural resources surveys, inventory and evaluation of historical resources for National Register eligibility, preservation planning, HABS/HAER documentation, and Section 106 compliance activities and environmental assessments.